Camilla Webster
Midnight Blue, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
72 x 96 inches
The blue and white series explores the abstracted essence of sea, sky and moonlight.
The artist has a special relationship with the night and the moon, as much of her times as a former war correspondent and foreign editor were spent under the moon at night. A time that bought a magical spirit to the darkness of war but also a mystical beauty. Webster has been interested in nightscapes since she was a child - attracted to the nocturnal work of Turner and Whistler.
Webster considered her language as Matisse has done before her. Drilling down the figure to things that are elemental. Honing the colorfield to only reverberating ultramarine blue and stark titanium white. The blue of lapis lazuli that has been used in spiritual and religious work across cultures for thousands of years. These color combination creating and communicating a spiritual reverberation
The painting is Influenced by Manolis’s own lectures on abstraction. His journey to create a legacy from Hans Hoffman to Wolf Kahn to himself and onto Camilla.
She studied all this, discovering her own language in the process as she painted works inspired by the environment of Miami, the Florida Keys and Palm Beach since 2017.