Ron Burkhardt, E.T. Corona Crisis in Capricornus Constellation, 2020, Acrylic painting on Canvas, 40 x 16 inches, contemporary art for sale

E.T. Corona Crisis in Capricornus Constellation, 2020

Ron Burkhardt
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Ron Burkhardt
E.T. Corona Crisis in Capricornus Constellation, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
40 x 16 inches


This is Burkhardt’s abstract, mystical, whimsical take on life on other planets manifests in this colorful, vertical work portraying his impression of how otherworldly creatures would react to their own pandemic beyond the stars. It offers contrasts and comparisons for us on earth.

Burkhardt won a prestigious Lorenzo il Magnificio de Medici medal for his mixed media work in Notism at the 2005 Florence Biennale. 

Ron has won over 200 creative awards.  His paintings are held in numerous museums, private, corporate and university collections in  the U.S. and Europe.